The Just for the Unjust
(1 Peter 3:13-18a, 4:1-2)

Chord Chart


Verse 1

Who would harm us
For zeal of doing good?
But even if we suffer
For the glory of our God
We are blessed
We will not fear their threats,
But set apart in our hearts
Christ as Lord
We set apart in our hearts
Christ as Lord


For Christ died for sins
Once for all
The Just for the unjust
To bring us to God

Verse 2

Should that hour come
When called to give account
We’re ready to make our defense
God’s Word is in our mouths
And reverence guard our tongues
Our conscience clean,
Though slandered for His Son
Our conscience clean,
Though slandered for His Son

Verse 3

It is better,
If God should will it so,
To suffer doing what is right
Instead of what is wrong
Armed with this:
“Christ suffered in the flesh”
We live not for our lusts,
But for His will
We live not for our lusts,
But for His will


Kindred (Philemon)


Worries (1 Peter 5:5b-11, 2:24)